Guide to Successful Grant Applications

Carbon Reduction Plan

Bid Qualification Assessment Tool

Standard Selection Questionnaire

Case Study: Shape Marketing

SME Case Study

Latest Insights From Tender Response

7th February 2025 How to Price a Public Sector Tender

Pricing a public sector tender can feel like navigating a maze, but with the right approach, you can make sure your bid stands out and is competitive. Let’s break it down into some key points. The following sections have come from the main questions that our clients have asked us when we have been helping […]

Bid Writing & Tender Management
7th February 2025 4 reasons why you need up to date information for your next tender

Are your documents and certificates up-to-date so you are ready to submit bids or tender responses? When you’re busy responding to a bid, the questionnaire of “company information” is usually the last thing to be completed. Why – its supposed to be the easiest… But in reality, what happens is that information is poorly managed […]

Bid Writing & Tender Management
3rd February 2025 How to answer a question when writing a bid response

The goal is to clearly respond to each requirement, demonstrate your knowledge and experience, and provide evidence of your claims through client references. There is a simple and easy to follow structure when writing responses to bid questions. Initial Question: Start with the question or requirement from the tender document. It’s really important to specifically […]

Bid Writing & Tender Management

What our clients say about us

Vicky helped me to qualify a grant that I was exploring for my business. I found her approach to be simple straightforward and I'm actually arranging for Vicky to be a speaker at an event I'm organising at the UK Africa trade Expo in March of 2024 to educate people to educate my peers and and organisations that will be present. I can't sing her praise highly enough she's an absolutely absolutely wonderful wealth of experience.

Tonye, Co-Founder Director of Geotech Solutions

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